Tag Archives: oatmeal

Going Bananas for Bananas Foster Oatmeal


     The #1 thing on my “to do” list today was to come up with a lower sugar oatmeal recipe that my hubby Bill would not only eat but actually enjoy.

Of course there were many other things on the list that I am happy to say I managed to accomplish also but I’ll save them for another post seeing as they have nothing to do with bananas.

My husband has decided (out of necessity) to try to lower his blood glucose levels despite my incessant baking for profit.

I have agreed to help him by trying to come up with things that may satisfy his sweet tooth without loading him up with refined white sugars.  Now one of Bill’s favorite desserts is Bananas Foster so I decided to take the ripe bananas that were sitting in the bowl on my counter starting to get that speckled “we are just right for cooking up” look and make my version for him for breakfast. Ironically, I myself am allergic to bananas (the fruit that everyone claims is so good for you)  and although I can eat them cooked in muffins or banana bread I usually am still leery of consuming them.

This recipe will call for agave nectar instead of brown sugar so the darker or amber nectar would be best, but I would try it with the lighter version if that’s all you have on hand. It has a lower glycemic index and therefore helps you avoid the “sugar rush” that can accompany many sweetened cereals. You can find lots of useful information on agave nectar at www.allaboutagave.com.

I also used my own homemade vanilla extract. It started out as Capt. Morgan spiced rum and a few vanilla beans in a small bottle and a year and a half later has developed into a delicious, complex vanilla flavor. When using the homemade vanilla I do tend to use a bit more of it but the recipe calls for store bought pure vanilla extract.

Bill gave this recipe rave reviews and said he found it to be a delicious and satisfying breakfast. Yay, success!

Bananas Foster Oatmeal         Servings:2

1  3/4c    milk – I used 2% but you can use whatever milk you like or water (it won’t be as creamy with water but it will be lower in calories)

1c      Quaker Oats (not instant)

pinch      salt

1tbs. butter or margarine

1 med ripe banana – sliced

3 tbs. agave nectar

1/4tsp. apple pie spice

1/4tsp. vanilla extract

Bring milk and salt to boil, add oatmeal and cook on medium heat for 5 mins. stirring often til cooked and thickened.

Meanwhile melt butter in a small saute pan, add  sliced bananas and cook for a minute on low to med til they start to soften.

add agave nectar & apple pie spice and stir in vanilla extract.

mixture will thicken quickly. Pour banana mixture over oatmeal and enjoy!

The whole process took me under 8 minutes and I had never made it before.  There is no excuse for not having a healthy, filling breakfast!